
Education Division Strategic Direction

Strategic Direction

ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ measures itself by the success of our students in ‘creating a brighter future for life in the Tropics and beyond, through education and research that makes a difference locally, and globally’.

The Education Division is inspired by the ‘power of place’ to deliver high quality learning and teaching approaches and modalities in a research-informed environment, and to serve our communities.

Defining Features

From a student perspective, the key defining features of ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ is one that shapes graduate distinctiveness as reflected in our ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ . The  was developed as a framework to underpin our learning and teaching, research and engagement.  The ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥ Model outlines seven attributes:

  1. Valuing students at the heart
  2. Culturally capable
  3. Job ready
  4. Place based and connected
  5. Globally engaged
  6. Digitally enabled
  7. Research informed

Education Division

The Education Division provides services and support for students from the time they aspire to go to university through to graduation. In this critical role, we work with and across  to drive and meet ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥'s objectives and .

Broad engagement and consultation lead to the Division’s 2023-25 themes for strategic focus and projects, aligned to the Corporate Strategy. The three themes are:

  • Student journey and success initiatives and projects
  • Education framework initiatives and projects
  • Our people initiatives and projects