
Closing Dates for Submission of Human Ethics Applications

Any ethics application received after the closing date to Human Ethics Advisors will be held over to the next meeting of the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).

Meetings are held on the middle Tuesday of each month, except for January. There is no January HREC meeting.

HREC decisions will be released 7-10 working days after the meeting date. Most applications are approved at the meeting submitted, but the HREC may request further details or amendments from applicants or a resubmission of an application to the next meeting of the HREC. In planning your research project, please allow a minimum of 2 months for passage of your application from submission to approval.

Low/Negligible risk ethics applications can be submitted at any time as they are reviewed on a continual basis and do not have a deadline for submission.

Closing Dates for Human Ethics Applications 2024

Meeting DateSubmission Deadline to Ethics OfficeDeadline to Ethics Advisor
27 February 20246 February 202430 January 2024
19 March 202427 February 202420 February 2024
16 April 202426 March 202419 March 2024
14 May 202423 April 202416 April 2024
11 June 202421 May 202414 May 2024
16 July 202425 June 202418 June 2024
13 August 202423 July 202416 July 2024
10 September 202420 August 202413 August 2024
15 October 202424 September 202417 September 2024
12 November 202422 October 202415 October 2024
17 December 202426 November 202419 November 2024